UCR Research and Economic Development Newsletter:  December 23, 2016

Michael Pazzani

Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development


Back Issues of Newsletter: http://research.ucr.edu/vcr/newsletters.aspx

Grant Opportunity Search: http://pivot.cos.com


·         2017 Faculty Networking Lunches: Australia, Sustainability, and BRAIN

·         High Performance Computing Center

·         W.M. Keck Foundation Pre-proposal Information

·         CITRIS Seed Grants: Cancellation

·         RATS

·         University Lecture Hall

·         Electrical Metering of Physics and Boyce

·         UC & OptumLabs Data Warehouse (OLDW)

·         NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Social Psychology – 1/17/17

·         NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Political Science – 1/17/17

·         NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Cultural Anthropology Scholars Awards – 1/17/17

·         NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Linguistics – 1/17/17

·         NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Law & Social Sciences (LSS) – 1/17/17

·         NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Developmental Sciences (DS) – 1/17/17

·         NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Sociology – 1/17/17

·         NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Research on the Science and Technology Enterprise: Statistics and Surveys - R&D, U.S. S&T Competitiveness, STEM Education, S&T Workforce – 1/17/17

·         NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Decision, Risk and Management Sciences (DRMS) – 1/18/17

·         NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Economics – 1/18/17

·         NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Science of Learning (SL) – 1/18/17

·         Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science Phase I (TRIPODS) – 1/19/17

·         Dear Colleague Letter: Data-Driven Discovery Science in Chemistry (D3SC)

·         Reminder Research and Economic Development Collaborative Seed Grant Program – 1/12/17

·         Ring-Necked Duck  ί Scroll down, it’s worth it, I promise

2017 Faculty Networking Lunches


Announcing more faculty networking lunches for 2017!  Topics are:


Australia Day on 1/26/17 (register here: https://australia-lunch.eventbrite.com)

Sustainability Research and Education on 1/30/17 (register here: https://sustainability-lunch.eventbrite.com)

Neuroscience on 2/6/17 (register here: https://brain-lunch.eventbrite.com)

High Performance Computing on 2/13/17 (register here:  https://high_performance_computing.eventbrite.com)


More to be announced soon.  The goal is get faculty with common interests to meet each other in an informal setting and discuss possible collaborations. 


January 26 is Australia Day.  Faculty from Australia are particularly encouraged to attend, or those that have studied in or about Australia.  Okay, Mark, we’ll even allow Kiwis.  In 1993, I spent a sabbatical in Australia and really enjoyed an Australia Day celebration on a small island on the great barrier reef.  I’ve celebrated Australia day every year since although one year I went to an Outback Steakhouse and they had never heard of it.


The food at our faculty lunches is usually catered by a local Thai restaurant and includes vegetarian and gluten-free options.  I’m going to try to get Aussie Pies for Australia Day, and I may make a pavlova or a lamington. (If you want to attend and can make a pavlova let me know…).  I’m heading to Australia for a vacation over winter break but will return before the 26th.


All lunches are held in UOB 210 from 12:00pm – 1:15pm.  PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE AN IDEA FOR A TOPIC that you think 10-15 other faculty will be interested in.



High Performance Computing Center


UCR has for quite some time had a computer cluster dedicated to bioinformatics.  It has informally been available to all disciplines and now we are formalizing its availability to the entire campus.  It will be renamed the High Performance Computing Center (until someone can suggest a clever acronym). 


I’m pleased to announce that Thomas Girke has agreed to be director of the center.   Please join Thomas for the lunch on Feb 13 (sign up above) to discuss high performance computing general.   In addition to our system http://facility.bioinformatics.ucr.edu/resources/hardware another goal is to facilitate the use of cloud computing at commercial service and facilitate use of supercomputers such as those at UCSD and LBNL


W.M. Keck Foundation Pre-proposal Information


The W.M. Keck Foundation offers the opportunity to discuss potential projects with universities before full proposals are submitted. The foundation allows each university to submit one proposal each in the areas of medical research and science/engineering research during each biannual cycle (see http://www.wmkeck.org/grant-programs/research/eligibility-and-priorities for details.)


Funding is awarded for projects in Medical Research as well as Science and Engineering Research.  A successful proposal:



An ideal target as stated by Keck is $1 Million over three years.  An abstract might present a disruptive concept that was declined by a federal agency, with reviews that indicate the research is extremely innovative, exciting and would have a large impact, but is too risky due to the lack of preliminary data.


Some common reasons why proposals are rejected by Keck:


·         The project is not ambitious enough (i.e. represents only an incremental advance over the state of the art vs. creating a new paradigm)

·         The proposal does not fully detail the scope of work and potential impact

·         The proposal does not list the reasons why Keck support is important (comments from reviewers at federal agencies are strongly recommended)

·         The project focuses on disease-related therapies or treatments (in the case of medical research) as opposed to bench science.


An abstract of less than one page will help focus the conversation and is needed by January 13  in advance of the phone counseling period which ends February 15.  Please do not submit anything directly to the Keck Foundation.  Interested faculty should submit an internal preproposal following the below format at http://or.ucr.edu/ord/limitedsubmissions.aspx by January 13, 2017.


Single-paged concepts for the Research Program must be in 12 point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins and should include:


  1. an overview of the proposed project emphasizing any unique aspects and pilot studies (for Research Program concepts, indicate area of emphasis for project - medical research or science and engineering research);
  2. a description of the methodologies and key personnel;
  3. a brief justification of the need for Keck support; and
  4. an estimated budget broken down, if possible, by major areas, e.g., personnel, equipment, consumable supplies, etc. (budgets can be rough approximations at this stage).


If there’s room, the authors are free to add other details (e.g., background to put the research into perspective, description of the institution’s prominence in the field, etc.). Avoid illustrations in these single-pagers – the researchers will need all the room for text. If a reference is necessary, abbreviate it as (Science, 323, 45, ‘11). DO NOT USE (Jones et al., 2011).


Here is more information from the Keck Foundation’s home page:


Supporting pioneering discoveries in science, engineering and medicine has been our mandate from the beginning. By funding the high-risk/high-impact work of leading researchers, we are laying the groundwork for new paradigms, technologies and discoveries that will save lives, provide innovative solutions, and add to our understanding of the world. Both Senior and Early Career investigators are encouraged to apply.




CITRIS Seed Funding: Cancellation


In a prior newsletter, we announced the availability of seed funds for faculty to collaborate with The 2017 CITRIS Seed Funding.  CITRIS promotes collaboration on information technology between Principal Investigators at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Davis Health System, UC Merced, and UC Santa Cruz.  UCR had planned to enter into this program, but due to funding constraints is not able to participate this year.


Faculty are instead encouraged to pursue collaboration with any campus through the MRPI program. http://www.ucop.edu/research-grants-program/programs/multi-campus-research-programs-and-initiatives.html





I’ve recently become in charge of Architects and Engineers and Facilities Services.  I always taken all my roles seriously from teaching to research and administration.  I’ve heard that faculty don’t like rodents and rodent droppings.  My wife tells me the same thing.  We have an outdoor rodent problem at my house and I’m in charge of getting rid of rodents there.


At home, I eliminated putting bird seed on the ground since food attracts rats.  We also have some foxes that help out, and I considered using foxes at UCR, but several people talked me out of it.




See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rPV0BNvylM for a video of this rodent encounter with a fox, but it’s not appropriate for small children or rodent lovers.


I also use electronic traps called Rat Zappers that electrocute rodents.  I use peanut butter as bait, but recently learned that Reese’s peanut butter cups are also effective and less messy than peanut butter.


Due to an increasing number of occurrences, Facility Services is taking two immediate actions:

·         Effective immediately pest management services are being increased.  This is being done to address the issue as well as protect you.  Handling rodents (dead or alive) can be a health hazard.  In an effort to track and manage accordingly for the campus, please have your department admin enter a work order through the Facilities Work Order System.  Facilities Services is tracking and monitoring impacted locations and adjusting management practices accordingly. For immediate/urgent pest control issue, including disposal, please contact Facilities Services at 951-827-4219.


·         For those who wish to take matters into their own hands, in indoor spaces, we have made arrangements for you to be reimbursed for the purchase of traps.   Rat Zappers are available from Amazon or other places.  See https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KMNL896?psc=1   If you have a preferred trap, use that.  For disposal please contact Facilities Services at 951-827-4219 or Dierk Biggs, Vivarium Manager, at 951-827-5580 or dierk.biggs@ucr.edu. For reimbursement, contact Laura Manor laura.manor@ucr.edu  (951) 827-4815. PLEASE DON’T USE POISON; IT’S NOT GOOD FOR THE ECOCYSTEM including foxes.


University Lecture Hall


During the Winter Break, staff from Facility Services are busy sprucing up University Lecture Hall.  The plan was put in place by Susan Marshburn and her team.


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Here’s the complete plan

Clean and sanitize all seats

Extract all carpet

Paint the lobby entrance, hallway and restrooms

Replace all the burned out lights

Remove gum from the floor, seats, and entry way

Cleaned and sanitize trash/recycle cans

Remove all tape posting from the entrance wall

Scrub and clean all concrete /tiled floor

Repair ADA entrance door

Replace front entrance glass panel

Remove cardboard trash cans from the lobby

Clean and replace missing wood paneling

Scrub and coat seal the wood floor at the lecturer location



A special thanks to those working so hard and quickly to address this important issue while classes are not in session.



Electrical Metering of Physics and Boyce


Many campus projects have been slowed by the lack of information on electrical usage and capacity.   Thanks to a team in Facilities Services and a collaboration with CE-CERT this was rectified on Dec 20. High quality Fluke 435 II recording meters were installed at three transformers in Physics and one in Boyce.   


I want to thank Sadrul Ula, the Physical Plant leadership and Electrical Shop Supervisors for helping UCR achieve this at such a short notice.  Special thanks to UCR's only High Voltage electrician, Brian Hambleton, who put in a long day and was successful in putting them in with the help of CE-CERT staff and students, but without requiring disruptive and time consuming electrical shutdown of the buildings. 


This is a great example of success when UCR's facilities personnel, researchers and academics work cooperatively together to solve a challenging problem.   





UC & OptumLabs Data Warehouse (OLDW)


As part of the strategic partnership between UC and OptumLabs, UC researchers will be provide 7 researchers with free access (aka: “research credits”) to OptumLab’s data warehouse. OptumLabs is an open, collaborative center for research and innovation focused on improving patient care and value. The database includes de-identified plan enrollment information, medical and pharmacy claims, and lab results from multiple payers, all integrated across care settings and longitudinally linked at the patient level.


UC will be soliciting proposals for research ideas that leverage the OptumLabs data. Examples of research projects using OptumLabs data include: Variation in care, Utilization, Safety and efficacy, Predictive modeling, Policy and incentives, Outcomes, Methods, Literature review, Health economics, Guidelines/Quality of care, Epidemiology, Disparities, Delivery of care, and Comparative effectiveness.


Dr. Tsotras, from Computer Science, and Dr. Brown from SOM, have been selected as primary UCR contacts to explore the OLDW.  


Timeline (dates could vary slightly)


UC Review

·         Announce Request for Proposals: January 9, 2017

·         One-page research proposal form due February 2

o   Brief overview of project, data required and resources available

·         Notification of selected candidates by early March


OptumLabs Review

·         Full Proposals will be due approximately 2-4 weeks post notification (mid to late March)

·         Further details on the timeline, process for the OptumLabs review and data access will be described in the Jan 9 RFP announcement



·         All UCR Principal Investigators (PI must be full time faculty at a UCR and eligible to submit grants). 


Stay up to date on the latest OptumLabs opportunities and information by signing up for the OptumLabs listserv: https://goo.gl/HoSLgh



NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Social Psychology – 1/17/17


Full Proposal Target Date: January 17, 2017

Program Guidelines: PD 98-1332


The Social Psychology Program at NSF supports basic research on human social behavior, including cultural differences and development over the life span.


Among the many research topics supported are: attitude formation and change, social cognition, personality processes, interpersonal relations and group processes, the self, emotion, social comparison and social influence, and the psychophysiological and neurophysiological bases of social behavior.

The scientific merit of a proposal depends on four important factors: (1) The problems investigated must be theoretically grounded. (2) The research should be based on empirical observation or be subject to empirical validation. (3) The research design must be appropriate to the questions asked. (4) The proposed research must advance basic understanding of social behavior.


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5712&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Political Science – 1/17/17


Full Proposal Target Date: January 17, 2017

Annually Thereafter

Program Guidelines: PD 98-1371


The Political Science Program supports scientific research that advances knowledge and understanding of citizenship, government, and politics. Research proposals are expected to be theoretically motivated, conceptually precise, methodologically rigorous, and empirically oriented. Substantive areas include, but are not limited to, American government and politics, comparative government and politics, international relations, political behavior, political economy, and political institutions.


In recent years, program awards have supported research projects on bargaining processes; campaigns and elections, electoral choice, and electoral systems; citizen support in emerging and established democracies; democratization, political change, and regime transitions; domestic and international conflict; international political economy; party activism; political psychology and political tolerance. The Program also has supported research experiences for undergraduate students and infrastructural activities, including methodological innovations, in the discipline.


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5418&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Cultural Anthropology Scholars Awards – 1/17/17


Full Proposal Target Date: January 17, 2017

Program Guidelines: NSF 07-544


The National Science Foundation announces an opportunity for methodological training by cultural anthropologists who are active researchers. The purpose is to help cultural anthropologists upgrade their methodological skills by learning a specific analytical technique which will improve their research abilities.


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5321&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Linguistics – 1/17/17


Full Proposal Target Date: January 17, 2017

Program Guidelines: PD 98-1311


The Linguistics Program supports basic science in the domain of human language, encompassing investigations of the grammatical properties of individual human languages, and of natural language in general. Research areas include syntax, semantics, morphology, phonetics, and phonology.


The program encourages projects that are interdisciplinary in methodological or theoretical perspective, and that address questions that cross disciplinary boundaries, such as (but not limited to):



The Linguistics Program does not make awards to support clinical research projects, nor does it support work to develop or assess pedagogical methods or tools for language instruction.


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5408&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Law & Social Sciences (LSS) – 1/17/17


Full Proposal Target Date: January 17, 2017

Dissertation Research, Standard and Collaborative Research and Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowships

Program Guidelines: NSF 15-514


The Law & Social Sciences Program considers proposals that address social scientific studies of law and law-like systems of rules.  The Program is inherently interdisciplinary and multi-methodological.  Successful proposals describe research that advances scientific theory and understanding of the connections between law or legal processes and human behavior.  Social scientific studies of law often approach law as dynamic, made in multiple arenas, with the participation of multiple actors.  Fields of study include many disciplines, and often address problems including though not limited to:


  1. Crime, Violence and Punishment
  2. Economic Issues
  3. Governance
  4. Legal Decision Making
  5. Legal Mobilization and Conceptions of Justice
  6. Litigation and the Legal Profession


LSS provides the following modes of support:

  1. Standard Research Grants and Grants for Collaborative Research
  2. Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants
  3. Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Workshop and Conference Awards


LSS also participates in a number of specialized funding opportunities through NSF’s crosscutting and cross-directorate activities, including, for example:  


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504727&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Developmental Sciences (DS) – 1/17/17


Full Proposal Target Date: January 17, 2017

Program Guidelines: PD 08-1698


DS supports basic research that increases our understanding of cognitive, linguistic, social, cultural, and biological processes related to human development across the lifespan. Research supported by this program will add to our knowledge of the underlying developmental processes that support social, cognitive, and behavioral functioning, thereby illuminating ways for individuals to live productive lives as members of society.


DS supports research that addresses developmental processes within the domains of cognitive, social, emotional, and motor development across the lifespan by working with any appropriate populations for the topics of interest including infants, children, adolescents, adults, and non-human animals. The program also supports research investigating factors that affect developmental change including family, peers, school, community, culture, media, physical, genetic, and epigenetic influences. Additional priorities include research that: incorporates multidisciplinary, multi-method, microgenetic, and longitudinal approaches; develops new methods, models, and theories for studying development; includes participants from a range of ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and cultures; and integrates different processes (e.g., memory, emotion, perception, cognition), levels of analysis (e.g., behavioral, social, neural), and time scales.


The budgets and durations of supported projects vary widely and are greatly influenced by the nature of the project. Investigators should focus on innovative, potentially transformative research plans and then develop a budget to support those activities, rather than starting with a budget number and working up to that value.


While there are no specific rules about budget limitations, a typical project funded through the DS program is approximately 3 years in duration with a total cost budget, including both direct and indirect costs, between $100,000 and $200,000 per year. Interested applicants are urged to explore the NSF awards database for the DS program to review examples of awards that have been made.


The DS program also accepts proposals for workshops and small conferences. These typically have total cost budgets, including direct and indirect costs, of approximately $35,000.


In addition to consulting the NSF awards database, it is often useful for interested applicants to submit (via email) a summary of no more than one page so that the Program Director can advise the investigator on the fit of the project for DS prior to preparation of a full proposal. New Investigators are encouraged to solicit assistance in the preparation of their project proposals via consultation with senior researchers in their area, pre-submission review by colleagues, and attendance at symposia and events at professional conferences geared towards educating investigators seeking federal funding.


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=8671&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Sociology – 1/17/17


Full Proposal Target Date: January 17, 2017

Regular Research

Program Guidelines: PD 98-1331


The Sociology Program supports basic research on all forms of human social organization -- societies, institutions, groups and demography -- and processes of individual and institutional change. The Program encourages theoretically focused empirical investigations aimed at improving the explanation of fundamental social processes. Included is research on organizations and organizational behavior, population dynamics, social movements, social groups, labor force participation, stratification and mobility, family, social networks, socialization, gender roles, and the sociology of science and technology. The Program supports both original data collections and secondary data analysis that use the full range of quantitative and qualitative methodological tools. Theoretically grounded projects that offer methodological innovations and improvements for data collection and analysis are also welcomed. Click here for information on Strengthening Qualitative Research through Methodological Innovation and Integration. The Sociology Program also funds doctoral dissertation research to defray direct costs associated with conducting research, for example, dataset acquisition, additional statistical or methodological training, meeting with scholars associated with original datasets, and fieldwork away from the student's home campus. See the Sociology Program Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Awards Solicitation for more information on this opportunity.


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5369&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Research on the Science and Technology Enterprise: Statistics and Surveys - R&D, U.S. S&T Competitiveness, STEM Education, S&T Workforce – 1/17/17


Full Proposal Deadline Date: January 17, 2017

Program Guidelines: NSF 15-521


The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) is one of the thirteen principal federal statistical agencies within the United States.  It is responsible for the collection, acquisition, analysis, reporting and dissemination of objective, statistical data related to the science and engineering enterprise in the United States and other nations that is relevant and useful to practitioners, researchers, policymakers and the public.  NCSES uses this information to prepare a number of statistical data reports as well as analytical reports including the National Science Board's biennial report, Science and Engineering (S&E) Indicators, and Women, Minorities and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering.


The Center would like to enhance its efforts to support analytic and methodological research in support of its surveys, and to engage in the education and training of researchers in the use of large-scale nationally representative datasets.  NCSES welcomes efforts by the research community to use NCSES data for research on the science and technology enterprise, to develop improved survey methodologies for NCSES surveys, to create and improve indicators of S&T activities and resources, and strengthen methodologies to analyze and disseminate S&T statistical data. To that end, NCSES invites proposals for individual or multi-investigator research projects, doctoral dissertation improvement awards, workshops, experimental research, survey research and data collection and dissemination projects under its program for Research on the Science and Technology Enterprise:  Statistics and Surveys.


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5265&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Decision, Risk and Management Sciences (DRMS) – 1/18/17


Full Proposal Target Date: January 18, 2017

January 18, Annually Thereafter


Program Guidelines: PD 98-1321


The Decision, Risk and Management Sciences program supports scientific research directed at increasing the understanding and effectiveness of decision making by individuals, groups, organizations, and society. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, doctoral dissertation research improvement grants (DDRIGs), and workshops are funded in the areas of judgment and decision making; decision analysis and decision aids; risk analysis, perception, and communication; societal and public policy decision making; management science and organizational design. The program also supports small grants that are time-critical (Rapid Response Research - RAPID) and small grants that are high-risk and of a potentially transformative nature (EArly-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research - EAGER). For detailed information concerning these two types of grants, please review Chapter II.D of the NSF Grant Proposal Guide.

Funded research must be grounded in theory and generalizable. Purely algorithmic management science proposals should be submitted to the Service, Manufacturing and Operations Research (SMOR) Program rather than to DRMS.

General Guidance concerning the DRMS Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (DDRIGs) funding opportunity includes the following:


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5423&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Economics – 1/18/17


Full Proposal Target Date: January 18, 2017

Program Guidelines: PD 98-1320


The Economics program supports research designed to improve the understanding of the processes and institutions of the U.S. economy and of the world system of which it is a part. This program also strengthens both empirical and theoretical economic analysis as well as the methods for rigorous research on economic behavior. It supports research in almost every area of economics, including econometrics, economic history, environmental economics, finance, industrial organization, international economics, labor economics, macroeconomics, mathematical economics, and public finance.


The Economics program welcomes proposals for individual or multi-investigator research projects, doctoral dissertation improvement awards, conferences, workshops, symposia, experimental research, data collection and dissemination, computer equipment and other instrumentation, and research experience for undergraduates. The program places a high priority on interdisciplinary research. Investigators are encouraged to submit proposals of joint interest to the Economics Program and other NSF programs and NSF initiative areas. The program places a high priority on broadening participation and encourages proposals from junior faculty, women, other underrepresented minorities, Research Undergraduate Institutions, and EPSCoR states.


The program also funds conferences and interdisciplinary research that strengthens links among economics and the other social and behavioral sciences as well as mathematics and statistics.


The Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants funding opportunity is designed to improve the quality of dissertation research. DDRIG awards provide funds for items not normally available through the student's university such as enabling doctoral students to undertake significant data-gathering projects and to conduct field research in settings away from their campus. DDRIGs do not provide cost-of-living or other stipends or tuition. Outstanding DDRIG proposals specify how the knowledge to be created advances economics science.


Proposals for Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (DDRIGS) in Economics should follow the directions for submissions in the Grant Proposal Guide (GPG).  The following bulleted items provide additional guidance concerning DDRIGs in Economics:


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5437&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



NSF Upcoming Due Date:  Science of Learning (SL) – 1/18/17


Full Proposal Deadline Date: January 18, 2017

Program Guidelines: PD 16-004Y


The Science of Learning program supports potentially transformative basic research to advance the science of learning. The goals of the SL Program are to develop basic theoretical insights and fundamental knowledge about learning principles, processes and constraints. Projects that are integrative and/or interdisciplinary may be especially valuable in moving basic understanding of learning forward but research with a single discipline or methodology is also appropriate if it addresses basic scientific questions in learning.   The possibility of developing connections between proposed research and specific scientific, technological, educational, and workforce challenges will be considered as valuable broader impacts, but are not necessarily central to the intellectual merit of proposed research. The program will support research addressing learning in a wide range of domains at one or more levels of analysis including: molecular/cellular mechanisms; brain systems; cognitive affective, and behavioral processes; and social/cultural influences. The program supports a variety of methods including: experiments, field studies, surveys, secondary-data analyses, and modeling.

Examples of general research questions within scope of the Science of Learning program include:

·         How does learning transfer from one context to another or from one domain to another?  How is learning generalized from specific experiences?  What is the basis for robust learning that is resilient against potential interference from new experiences?  How is learning consolidated and reconsolidated from transient experience to stable memory?

·         How does the structure of the learning environment impact rate and efficacy of learning? For example, how do timing, content, learning context, developmental time point and type of engagement (e.g., active learning, group learning) impact learning processes and outcomes?

·         How can we integrate research findings and insights across levels of analysis, relating understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms of learning in the neurons to circuit and systems-level computations of learning in the brain, to cognitive, affective, social, and behavioral processes of learning? What concepts, tools, or questions will provide the most productive linkages of across levels of analysis?

·         How can insights from biological learners contribute and derive new theoretic perspectives to computational learning systems, neuromorphic engineering, materials science, and nanotechnology? Biological and non-biological systems and social systems can all display learning. What can integration across these different domains contribute to a general understanding of learning?


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5567&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science Phase I (TRIPODS) – 1/19/17


Letter of Intent Window: January 19, 2017

This window is for Letters of Intent. See Proposal Preparation and Submission Instructions below.

Program Guidelines: NSF 16-615


Transdisciplinary Research In Principles Of Data Science (TRIPODS) aims to bring together the statistics, mathematics, and theoretical computer science communities to develop the theoretical foundations of data science through integrated research and training activities.  Phase I, described in this solicitation, will support the development of small collaborative Institutes.  Phase II (to be described in an anticipated future solicitation, subject to availability of funds) will support a smaller number of larger Institutes, selected from the Phase I Institutes via a second competitive proposal process.  All TRIPODS Institutes must involve significant and integral participation by all three of the aforementioned communities.


More at https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505347&WT.mc_id=USNSF_39&WT.mc_ev=click



Dear Colleague Letter: Data-Driven Discovery Science in Chemistry (D3SC)


Dear Colleagues:


The amount and variety of data generated in the chemical sciences, and the rate at which it is being produced, are rapidly increasing, so there is a need for corresponding growth in our ability to extract useful insight from interrelated sources. A similar need is recognized across the National Science Foundation (NSF). One example is the "Harnessing the Data Revolution" component in the recently-released document, 10 Big Ideas for Future NSF Investment, which sets the goal of developing "a cohesive, national-scale approach to research data infrastructure and a 21st-century workforce capable of working effectively with data".1 This creates an opportunity to enable the chemistry community to effectively share, mine, and repurpose its rapidly-growing chemical datasets and to apply state-of-the-art data analytics tools to expand chemical understanding.


Through this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), the Division of Chemistry (CHE) invites submission of requests for supplements and EAGER (EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research) and RAISE (Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering)2 proposals that seek to capitalize on the data revolution. Successful proposals will emphasize what new information can be obtained from better utilization of data (including data from multiple laboratories, techniques, and/or chemical systems), and how this can lead to new research directions. Proposals that foster and strengthen interactions among chemists — particularly experimentalists and data scientists — to advance research goals, are strongly encouraged. Examples of possible projects include (but are not limited to) using tools of data visualization, data mining, machine learning, or other data analytics to:



The most competitive proposals will address how the project conceptually advances chemistry through data-enabled discovery science. Consideration of error and uncertainty analysis, recording and storing of appropriate metadata, and routes to determine the robustness and reliability of data are encouraged. Note that the construction or maintenance of large-scale databases per se is not the focus of this DCL, although such databases may be required as a means to the endpoint of using the data to provide insights and predictions. Proposals focused on developing cheminformatics for biomedical or materials research applications are outside the scope of this DCL. Proposals whose primary focus is on the development of general-purpose data mining or analysis algorithms not aimed at addressing a specific chemical question are more appropriate for programs supporting general tool development.3


One avenue of support will be through supplements to existing grants. Supplemental funding requests must enhance existing projects by incorporating or exploring the concepts described in this DCL. The upper limit of a supplement request in response to this DCL is $60,000 for a maximum of twelve months.


Other mechanisms for support of work in discovery science are through the submission of EAGER4 and RAISE5 proposals. EAGER supports exploratory work in its early stages on untested, but potentially transformative, research ideas or approaches. The proposed work should be "high risk-high payoff". RAISE may also be appropriate if the proposed activities are interdisciplinary and promise transformational advances.


In all cases, Principal Investigators (PIs) are strongly encouraged to contact the cognizant program officers6 prior to submission to determine the appropriateness of the work for consideration. The proposal title must begin with "D3SC:". Each D3SC proposal is expected to describe how the proposed activity will lead to better utilization of existing chemistry datasets. For EAGER and RAISE proposals, the title of the proposal should have "EAGER:" or "RAISE:" specified, following the "D3SC:" designation. The PIs submitting EAGER or RAISE proposals should consider the adaptiveness and scalability as well as the broader relevance of the proposed activities to other areas of chemical research. Proposals including international collaboration are encouraged when those efforts enhance the merit of the proposed work. NSF typically supports the costs of the U.S. team and foreign partners are typically supported by their own funding agencies.


D3SC proposals and supplemental funding requests can be submitted at any time but are encouraged by March 1, 2017, 5:00 pm, submitter's local time, in order to ensure timely consideration. For proposals submitted on or after January 30, 2017, the general proposal guidelines in the revised Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) 17-17 as well as those outlined in this DCL apply. Normal review guidelines for supplement, EAGER, and RAISE requests apply.


We are excited by the opportunities in the D3SC area and look forward to working with the chemistry community to develop new approaches to gain insights from existing data, as well as new experimental and theoretical results. For general questions about this DCL, email the cognizant Program Officers in CHE at ChemData@nsf.gov.


  1. "Harnessing Data for 21st Century Science and Engineering" in 10 Big Ideas for Future NSF Investments:https://www.nsf.gov/about/congress/reports/nsf_big_ideas.pdf.
  2. RAISE proposals can only be submitted after January 30, 2017, after the revised PAPPG becomes effective.
  3. See solicitations for Critical Techniques, Technologies and Methodologies for Advancing Foundation and Application of Big Data Sciences and Engineering (BIGDATA, https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504767), Data Infrastructure Building Blocks (DIBBS, https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504776), and Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E, https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504813).
  4. EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER, https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pappg17_1/pappg_2.jsp#IIE2.
  5. Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE, https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pappg17_1/pappg_2.jsp#IIE3.
  6. D3SC cognizant Program Officers: Lin He (lhe@nsf.gov), David Rockcliffe (drockcli@nsf.gov), Susan Atlas (satlas@nsf.gov), and Robert Cave (rjcave@nsf.gov).
  7. Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), January 2017: https://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf17001.



Research and Economic Development Collaborative Seed Grant Program – 1/12/17


The Office of Research and Economic Development (RED) is pleased to announce the continuation of the collaborative seed grant program. The grants are internal funds for UCR faculty teams to collaborate and publish in advance of proposing multi-investigator projects and centers to external agencies. Teams with seed funding who generate preliminary results and gain experience working jointly have proven more successful when they later compete for multi-investigator and/or multidisciplinary grants.



Serving as a catalyst for UCR faculty to form new teams, the seed grant program is intended to initiate new intellectual directions for faculty and to make UCR more competitive for multidisciplinary grants. Selection criteria for seed grants reward projects that create new relationships and synergies across schools, departments or centers. Key considerations include whether the project can be leveraged toward new externally-funded research, and whether the project cannot be otherwise initiated using regular department or school resources. An ideal project would apply for external funding within 6-10 months following seed funding.





Proposals are invited from all UCR individuals eligible to serve as a Principal Investigator. (For additional information on PI eligibility see Policy #527-3.) Although external collaborations with universities or companies are encouraged, seed funded projects must involve at least two UCR faculty (a PI and at least one UCR CoPI) and funds may not be used to support outside institutions. A faculty member may participate as PI or CoPI on only one seed grant. A faculty PI on an award made through the Large or Small Collaborative Seed Grant Program in 2013, 2014, 2015 or 2016 cannot be a PI or CoPI on a seed grant in 2017, unless they have been awarded a grant as a result of the prior seed grant or applied three times for funding based on the seed grant. 



Funds may be used for any activity directly related to the conduct of the research, e.g. salaries and benefits for students, postdocs, or research scientists, research supplies, equipment/facility recharge, etc. Funds may not be used for faculty summer salaries, administrative staff, course buyouts, seminar speakers, consultants, conferences, or travel, except to federal agencies or proposer workshops. Small project seed grants will receive all funding at the start of the project. Large project seed grants will receive 50% of funds to initiate the project, with the remainder made available upon completion and approval of a brief report on project status. All funds must be expended by the end of the project period. To focus on projects that can make rapid progress, unexpended funds will be returned.



The internal proposal deadline for both Large and Small Seed Grants is January 12, 2017.



Awardees of Large Grants are required to submit both a brief interim report to release the remaining 50% of the funds and a final project report within 60 days of the award period end. Small Grant awardees are required only to submit a final project report within 60 days. The final project report should include the results of the research, a financial statement and plans or efforts underway to obtain external funding. Lack of timely reporting may result in exclusion from future award opportunities.



Proposals will be reviewed by UCR faculty with comments returned to explain funding decisions. The alignment of projects with the goals of innovation and high impact, and the feasibility of completing the project and submitting a collaborative grant proposal are evaluation priorities. Proposals that are disruptive, use technology in new ways, or launch entirely novel approaches are specifically encouraged. The assessment will consider the extent of inter-disciplinary and inter-departmental collaboration as well as the potential for subsequent extramural funding. Deans of the PI and co-PIs also will be asked for input on the importance of the project for their school.



Bearing in mind that not all reviewers will have an extensive knowledge of their field of inquiry, faculty should use proposal language accessible to the most faculty. Both types of Seed Grant proposals use the same application format:

  1. Application Form
  2. Research Plan - No more than 3 pages, single-spaced, 12 point font with one-inch margins. Typical proposals should include: a brief introduction and one-year objectives, research plan - specific aims and methodology, and anticipated results.
  3. External Funding Target: What specific federal funding opportunity will be targeted for subsequent funding? What is the proposed timeline for applying for external funding? Projects that do not indicate a specific opportunity will be returned without review.
  4. Budget with breakdown of cost categories.
  5. CVs (no more than 2 pages for each investigator).
  6. Results of prior seed grant(s).



Applications should be submitted through the "EasyChair" system at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csgp2017




Ring-Necked Duck


Here’s a photo of a ring-necked duck from AgOps.   The ring-necked duck is distinguished from other similar ducks by the ring around its bill.  Although it has a bluish ring around the neck, it’s barely noticeable.  


Happy Holidays!!!!



